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Lalit Ajmani


Lalit Ajmani is the Founding and Managing Partner of Ajmani & Law Partners, a full-service law firm that provides legal solutions to clients across India and abroad. He has been practicing law for over six years, specializing in civil and commercial litigation, defamation, and matrimonial disputes. As an advocate, he has successfully represented individuals and corporations before various courts and tribunals, including the High Court of Delhi, where he is a regular practitioner. He has also authored and co-authored several publications on legal topics, such as civil law, commercial law, and legal philosophy, and has been featured by prominent media outlets, such as Live Law, IP Leaders, and Tax Guru. Additionally, he is a frequent guest speaker and judge at various law colleges and institutions, where he shares his insights and experience with general public, aspiring lawyers and academics.

Author Posts

13 Sep 2023

The law in order to maintain the balance between the foundation of the society, as well as the rights and liberties of the individuals to part ways when they are left with no other better choice.

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30 Sep 2023

The law in order to maintain the balance between the foundation of the society, as well as the rights and liberties of the individuals to part ways when they are left with no other better choice.

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08 Oct 2023

We all know that money and its regular flow is a sine qua non for a decent survival. It is submitted that the housewives’, especially those who are not working and solely focus on the well-being of their family, sources of means are largely, if not entirely, are their husbands and in-laws.

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30 Apr 2024

While the Act serves as a cornerstone of secularism in India, its implications extend far beyond legal recognition of unions.

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07 Jun 2024

Though Indian legal mechanism is often found to be slow and complex, but the aforesaid laws for women in India provide huge relief.

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